More Model Selection + Logistic Regression II

Day 11

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

June 12th


– Clone ae-11

– Homework 3 Due Tuesday (6-13)

– Project Proposal due tonight (6-12)

— Turn in on GitHub

— Feedback coming in the next day or two

Feedback for your project

– Will be on GitHub Issues

— Demo

Warm Up: Question

What are the main differences between:

– Simple Linear Regression vs Multiple Linear Regression

– Logistic Regression vs Linear Regression

Warm Up: Logistic Interpretation

Recall: Fit a logistic regression model to predict if an email was spam or not.

– Interpret the estimate associated with exclaim_mess

– Using this output, how can we calculate probabilities of a spam email?

Note: If you are interested in log-odds, I found this small article useful here

Model Selection

  • R-squared (if number of variables are the same)

  • Adj-R-squared (if number of variables are same / different)

  • AIC

Akaike information criterion (AIC)

– which of multiple models is most likely to be the best model for a given data set.

– based on the data, which model is the most likely

Akaike information criterion (AIC)

– No “nice” definition

– Lower is better (different than Adj-R-squared)

– Lower AIC and BIC values mean that a model is considered to be closer to the ‘truth’

AIC in R


AIC vs Adj-R-squared

– Common to see AIC and Adj-R-squared used for model selection

– The differences are more clear in a theory course. In there own way, they provide evidence of the “best” model.

– In short: Use one in practice, but do not mix…

— They are built off a different theoretical foundation


Want to build a model that predicts well.

– What should that model look like?

– How do we build it?

– How do we know if it predicts well?

What should it look like?

Which model would you prefer?

Model Selection tools

– can most definitely select an overfit model


– Overfitting is a concept in data science, which occurs when a statistical model fits exactly against its data.

– This doesn’t make sense if are goal is to predict!

Assessing model prediction


– Testing Data Set

– Training Data Set

– ROC Curve

– Sensitivity (True Positive)

– Specificity (True Negative)

Splitting the data

When the goal is prediction….

– When able, it may be advantageous to withhold a part of your data when creating your model

– Can use what’s withheld to evaluate how well your model predicts

Training Data Set

– training data is the dataset you use to build your model

– roughly 80% of a larger data set

“Sandbox” for model building.

Testing Data Set

– data to be used to evaluate your model

– evaluate the predictive performance

– roughly 20% of the larger data set

Important Note

– Training and Testing data sets are created at random

True Positive Rate

– Also known as sensitivity

– Probability of correctly detecting a “success”

False Positive

– a result which incorrectly indicates that a particular condition or attribute is present (something is not there, but we say it is)

– Incorrectly predicting the truth of “not present”

– 1 - specificity

Specificity - how well a test can classify something who truly does not have the condition of interest

Email Context

Goal: Create a spam filter (want to predict if an email is spam)

– Define a true positive

– Define a false positive

Plotting predictive performance

Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC)

– Is a graph showing the performance of a classification model at different classification thresholds

– The larger the area under the curve is, the better the performance of the model across all thresholds


Statistical Inference

Statistical Inference

Cleaning Data EDA Modeling Statistical Inference

— Hypothesis Testing

— Confidence Intervals

Motivate Discussion

How tall are Duke Students?

  • We don’t know…. but we can collect data and learn more about this

Population Parameters

– What we are interested in



Population Parameters

– Are these population parameters different than some value?

– What is a range of plausible values that the population parameter could be?

General Process

– Decide what we want to investigate

– Collect data

– We need to quantify variability!



– Assess how good your model is at prediction

– Visualize how well your model predicts new observations