Intro to Inference

Day 12

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

June 13th


– Clone ae-12

– Homework 3 Due tonight 11:59 (6-13)

– Project Proposal Feedback Soon

– Lab due Thursday 5:00 (6-15)

— Issues

– Group Feedback Survey in Sakai Coming Today (look for announcement)

– Exam 1 common mistakes to be posted on Slack today

– Exam 2: June 15th Start | June 20th due date

Warm Up

Last class, we fit a model to predict

Warm Up

Go to ae-12. Go to the roc.qmd

Create your own roc curve using email_fit2.

Compare the predictive performance to email_fit.

Is this new model better? Worse? How can you tell?

Statistical Inference

– the methods of forming judgments about population parameters

Population Parameters



Population Parameters

\(\mu_1 - \mu_2\)

\(\pi_1 - \pi_2\)


But…. we don’t know what these values are, so we collect data!

Sample Statistics



Sample Statistics

\(\bar{x_1} - \bar{x_2}\)

\(\hat{p_1} - \hat{p_2}\)

Questions that we will answer

– Test to see if our population parameter is different than a value (hypothesis testing)

– Estimate the value of the population parameter

and we will use data and the idea of variability to answer these questions


We will go through how to conduct a hypothesis test using bootstrapping procedures!

Bootstrap & Randomization

Bootstrapping is a statistical procedure that re samples within a single data set to create many simulated samples.

The term bootstrapping comes from the phrase “pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps”, which is a metaphor for accomplishing an impossible task without any outside help

Randomization is when we randomly shuffle within a single data set to create many simulated samples


Impossible task: estimating / testing a population parameter using data from only the given sample.

Note: This notion of saying something about a population parameter using only information from an observed sample is the crux of statistical inference.

Hypothesis Testing

– Null hypothesis \(H_o:\)

– Alternative hypothesis \(H_a:\)

Null hypothesis

– Assumes “nothing is going on”

– Sets a parameter = 0

– Sets group equal to each other

Alternative hypothesis

– This is what we are interested in!

– We dictate this by the sign of our alternative hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis

– >

– <



– p-value

– significance level

– Decisions; Conclusions; Interpretations

When can we trust these results?

– When the sample we take is representative

We have a random sample

Sample size is not very small


Can you read Martian? Bumba & Kiki

Alone, please think about which option is Bumba