Intro to Confidence Intervals

Day 14

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

June 20th


– Exam-2 is over. Nice work!

– Clone ae-14

– Homework 4 is Live (Due 6-26)

– Project Report (Due 6-22)

– Lab Thursday (6-22) is a Project Work Day

— If you want your report to be graded on 6-21, please have the final draft on your website updated by Noon + send me an email and I will have feedback for you prior to Lab Thursday.

– Group Feedback Survey-2 in Sakai Coming 6-22

Warm Up: Hypothesis Test

In going from a one-sided test to a two-sided (assuming all else is the same), which of the following change:

– sample statistic

– p-value

– null distribution

– null hypothesis

– alternative hypothesis

Warm Up

– What is the definition of a representative sample? What is one way we can achieve this in research?

Discussion: Scope of Inference

– Who can our results apply to?

– X -> Y

— Causation or Assocciation?

Scope of Inference

– Do we have a representative sample?

  • Yes? Apply the results to the population

  • No? Apply the results to a sample or similar sample

Scope of Inference

– Causation or Assocciation?

– This comes down to the idea of confounding variables.

– Let’s draw it out.

Scope of Inference

– There are some exceptions to the rule..

  • Does smoking cause cancer?

  • We can not randomly assign people to smoke… but with repeated studies, you can start to draw causal inference

  • Take a causal inference course if you are interested

Alpha: Discussion

Let’s talk more about \(\alpha\)

– We know alpha as our significance level

  • p-value > alpha

  • p-value < alpha

  • We set alpha prior to our research study to determine amount of evidence needed to reject the null

Alpha: Discussion

\(\alpha\) = Probability of a Type I error

– Type 1 error - Rejecting the null hypothesis when we actually shouldn’t

– Higher the alpha, the easier it is to reject

– Higher the alpha, the more likely you are rejecting just due to random chance

Alpha and p-values: Discussion

– Journals have been getting away from “fixed level testing”

\(\alpha\) = 0.05

– p-value 0.052

– It’s easy (but not good practice) to retroactively change alpha after….

– P-values do not measure the probability that the studied hypothesis is true, or the probability that the data were produced by random chance alone.

American Statistical Assocciation (ASA)

“The p-value was never intended to be a substitute for scientific reasoning,” said Ron Wasserstein, the ASA’s executive director. “Well-reasoned statistical arguments contain much more than the value of a single number and whether that number exceeds an arbitrary threshold. The ASA statement is intended to steer research into a ‘post p<0.05 era.’”


“Over time it appears the p-value has become a gatekeeper for whether work is publishable, at least in some fields,” said Jessica Utts, ASA president. “This apparent editorial bias leads to the ‘file-drawer effect,’ in which research with statistically significant outcomes are much more likely to get published, while other work that might well be just as important scientifically is never seen in print.

See full statement here


Some journals, such as Basic and Applied Psychology, Epidemiology, and Political Analysis, have banned the use of p-values in an attempt to improve statistical inferences

  • but not confidence intervals…

Confidence Intervals

– Confidence Intervals are a statistical method uses to estimate population parameters

CI vs Hypo Testing

– Both are curious about population parameters

– Both use the idea of variability

CI vs Hypo Testing

– CIs do not assume a hypothesis

– The distribution used is not centered at the null value (more on this in a second)

Confidence vs Probability

– Before making confidence intervals, let’s define what it is and how it is different than probability.

  • Takeaway: Being unknown is not the same as being random


Confidence - the percentage of all possible confidence intervals, created under the same conditions, expected to include the true population parameter


– For your confidence interval, the parameter is not random

Confidence Interval

– Two ways to create a CI

  • Bootstrap methods

  • Central Limit Theorm (can also conduct Hypo tests this way)

Confidence Interval - Bootstrap

– Resample from our data to simulate many different samples

– Calculate confidence interval from distribution

Confidence Interval - CLT

– Mathematical property that says: For a large enough n, the shape of the sampling distribution of the means is approximately normally distributed

– And we can use the approximately normally distributed exactly like we do our simulated distribution to calculate confidence intervals

Confidence Interval - CLT

– We need to estimate the center and the spread of this approximately normal distribution

– center -> mean

– spread -> \(\frac{s}{\sqrt(n)}\)


To trust our results…

– Independence

– Sample Size


– Independent observations

Sample Size

– n > 30 (for quantitative variables)

– 10 successes + 10 failures (for categorical variables)

– “Does one observation influence the other?”


Let’s create a CI using each method + really learn about the CLT