Finish CI and Hypo Testing

Day 15

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

June 22nd


– Clone ae-15

– Homework 4 is Live (Due 6-26)

– Project Report Draft Due Tonight

– Lab Today is a Project Work Day

– Group Feedback Survey-2 in Sakai Coming Today

– Instructor Evaluations

Evaluations (5-10 minutes)

– Please go to:

– I take these seriously

– Duke takes these seriously

By the way…

You have been my favorite summer session to teach…

Project Talk: Rough Draft

The draft and peer review will focus primarily on the exploratory data analysis and initial interpretations.

– Write the draft in the report.qmd

– Make sure you are Building your entire website (demo)

– Change author information

Project Talk: Rough Draft

– Introduction and data (incorporate feedback / add missing details)

– Methodology

+  include visualizations and summary statistics relevant to your research question

+  justify the choice of statistical method(s) used to answer your research question

– Results

+ Provide the main results from your analysis

Typical Feedback / Questions

– Do your methods actually answer your research question?

– Do you have the data to answer your research question?

– Did you consider including any other variables in your model? (modeling question)


– The presentation should be between 5-15 minutes

– Short QA after

– Record presentation part if you can not make it due to an extreme circumstance + follow up with an email I send of questions

– Use whatever platform you are most comfortable with. Google slides is recommended for collaboration

Presentation Tips

– More plots; Less words

– Make sure the audience understands..

+ Why 

+ What your research question is 

– Your plots are distracting if your labels are hard to read. Make them bigger than you think you need on your slides!

– Don’t read from slides. You are welcome to note cards (but don’t just read from those either)

– Everyone needs to contribute something meaningful

– Practice


Warm Up

– Why do we make confidence intervals? What is the purpose of confidence intervals?

– Where are bootstrap distributions centered? Why does this make sense?

A Review from Last Time

– We can use the CLT to create confidence intervals (last-ae) and conduct hypothesis tests (this-ae)

– The CLT states for a sufficiently large sample from the population, the distribution of the sample statistic will be approximately normally distributed

– Which we need for our statistical inference methods


– Independence

– Large sample size

Large sample size

Quantitative Response

– n > 30 (in each group if multiple)

– At least 10 successes and 10 failures (in each group if multiple)

Last Time:

Pokemon Heights

estimate \(\pm\) Margin of Error

Margin of error = \(t_{df}^* * \frac{s}{\sqrt(n)}\)

Today: Difference in Means


Hypothesis Testing using CLT

– First, we need to standardize our estimate

Standardized test statistic: (statistic - null value)/(standard error of the statistic).

Standardized test statistics are a way for you to compare your results to a “normal” distribution of statistics

Hypothesis Testing using CLT

Then use pt to calculate the p-value!

The Categorical Cases

– Chapter 16 and 17

The Categorical Cases (Confidence Intervals)

– Very similar to what we have done

– Notice the \(z^*\) instead of the \(t*\)

The Categorical Cases (Hypothesis Testing)

– Very similar to what we have done