Welcome to Lab

Lab 0

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

January 17, 2023


– Meet the Lab Leader!

– The file that you work in will be on GitHub

– You can find Lab on sta199-summer-1.github.io/

– You can find your lab starter: https://github.com/sta199-summer-1/lab-0-starter

What to expect in labs

– Introduce lab assignment (5-10 minutes, longer today)

– Work on the lab assignment. You are encouraged to work with others but your submission must be your own for the first several labs.

– Submissions will be done on Gradescope (demo at end of class)

– Lab may end with important announcements

– If you don’t finish labs in-class…

— Thursday labs due Noon Monday before lecture

— Monday labs due Noon Thursday before lecture


– Read all instructions on the lab.

– Be involved! This will better prepare you for the exams + project

– Make use of office hours.

– Make use of Slack.

Demo: setting up

Now that your lab repo is created, let’s setup git to work within RStudio.

To begin, open

– the lab instructions here and

– the RStudio containers here

Follow the instructions in the lab as I demo.

Set Up R with Git

Demo: How to turn something in via Gradescope

Please do not lose free points!

– How to turn in a PDF

– How to select pages


No programming experience is required or expected to take this class. Come to lecture, lab and office hours. It’s okay to be confused. Stick with it, you will get the hang of it!