Data Wranging + Group Formation

Lab 2

Dr. Elijah Meyer

Duke University
STA 199 - Summer 2023

May 25th

Lab 2

Three parts for today’s lab

– Group Formation (Do this first)

– Team Agreement

– Data Wrangling

Group Formation

– 3-4 students

– You may choose your group

– If you would like to work with a student who is missing, communicate this with them, other groupmates, and the TA

– Come up with Team Name and report name + all group members to TA when ready

Lab 2

Is due Monday (29th) before class. You will turn in the following:

– Team Agreement (1 per group)

– Data Wrangling (individual assignment)

Some groups may want to start on the data wrangling portion during lab, while others may want to start with the team agreement. Please prioritize whichever you see fit.